St. Bernard Parish has salary, tax, insurance, utility and maintenance expenses, and also plans projects, upgrades, outreach and assistance. We require over $4600 per week. Fundraising activities and social events are key. For the parish to flourish, we must donate.
The rule of thumb is one hour's wage of 2.5% of your gross income; less from those in need, and more from those who can afford it. Tithing 10% is a sacrifice that leaves you feeling richer than when you begin.Place your money in your envelope (which can be obtained by contacting the parish office at 613-738-1943) and put it in the basket during Mass. Those unable to come to the weekend Mass for health reasons can mail it to the parish by post, or drop it in the mail slot at the parish office. Use the envelopes provided by the office for the current year, and write the amount on the envelope, so that we can accurately log your donations for your tax receipt.
Coming soon... simplifies one-time and automatic monthly donations through your credit card. It's great for people who want to set up their donations once and for all, and be done with it. However, they are a service, so keep about 4% of your donation. To donate this way, click
Before Mass begins, the commentator says, "Today's Mass is offered for ..." This is the intention of the Mass. The priest and people pray in a special way for that person, uniting them supernaturally. The usual donation is $15 for an announced or unannounced Mass intention. The donation ordinarily goes to the priest as a stipend. An announced Mass intention is published in the bulletin and on our website and made known before a public celebration of the Mass. The deadline for Mass intentions is Thursday at noon.
Mass intention requests can be made electronically on this website. Click light candles in church as a form of prayer, asking for the intercession of a particular saint for a given need. We have white candles for St. Bernard; green candles for St. Jude; white candles for St. Anthony of Padua; red candles for St. Joseph and Blue and white candles for the Blessed Virgin Mary. People also light candles in memory of a loved one. The cost for a small candle is $1, and $5 for a large candle.
The parish is NOT subject to diocesan tax on income from candles, but donations made for candles are NOT included in the tax receipt.13% of our revenue from the following sources goes to the diocese: regular collection; New Year's, Easter, Christmas; weddings and funerals; donations; hall rentals and advertising revenue.
The following sources of revenue are not subject to diocesan tax: social events; initial offerings; vigil lights and sacraments.Income tax receipts are made available by mid February for pick up.
Any remaining will be mailed on 28 February 2025
A parish facility is always in need of maintenance.
If you have the expertise or would like to financially sponsor a project, please contact Fr. Rick.
Please remember your parish and parish cemetery in your estate planning so that we can continue to serve future generations.
For further information please contact the office at 613-738-1943 or talk to Fr. Rick directly.